Saturday, September 1, 2012
so life has been exciting lately. aaron has started law school. i thought it was going to be more grueling than it is. we are completely moved into the house, and aliya is starting kindergarden in a week and 2 days. and mr eden is finnally potty trainning. and taylor just started nursery last sunday. and we have found out a few weeks ago that we are 11 weeks pregnant. life is shooting by so quickly. I feel so burnt out, 6 years of aaron going to school, we met in school. but for some reason after speeking to a few ladys at church i feel calm and at peace. i dont know if that is because of prayer or because of the few people we have met. we have a beautiful home and are living in a good ward. we are with out a doubt very blessed.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
So i just painted the house in Salem this past weekend. my friend Lisa and myself spent 14 hrs together to do get it done. we painted 7 rooms. i think i like it. I'm not looking forward to leaving. i have made my first real friends who i consider family since i joined the church. They are the best two women a person could ever meet. i am so blessed that i have these to women and their families as my friend and family. this weekend i am doing a girls night out, i am so excited. well i am pretty pooped still from Saturday night.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Life has been hard since april. My mother past away at the age of 50 from copd, April 5th. The day before my birthday. I can honestly say that this year was the worst birthday ever. My heart is broken to such a deep degree that i am having a hard time functioning. I keep serving people with the hope that my berden will be lightened. I cant say it had lightened the pain and anger I feel but it has helped me to not focus on myself and bring reliefe to my friends and family. I know my mother is better off and I also know that I shouldnt be angry but i cant help it. While my mother was alive i couldnt see her for the angelic person she was but instead the parent who cause a lot of pain. My mom died being used and abused, when she deserved so much more. Its hard for me to also not be angry with her because she left me with family who hates me. i miss her so much and only want to see her one more time to know that she is happy and safe. I never knew how much i loved her. It feels like people feel that I should be over her death by now and return to life but i cant I'm still copping with her not being here any more, i keep picking up the phone to call her to tell her that my family and I are moving into a house, but remember last min that she wont pick up, i wont hear her voice again on the other side of the line. people tell me to not feel that way that i do and the only thing i want to say to them is to SHUT UP!!!!!!!! but i dont i put on a tight fake smile and bridle my toung praying that they will leave me alone.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
life is great for my family and i. taylor is now 1yo. and eden is about to be 3yo. and aliya is 4.5 yo. my babies are growing up. right now aaron has gotten back 6 responces for law school, he has been excepted into 4 of them and are still waiting for 3 more. so no matter what we will be in law school next yr. we are now going down hill.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Last night my husband and i went to the hospital because of a scare, that turned out not to be a scar at all, it was all normal. well we were gone from 12am to 5am. I am still having contractions. my body is sore and i am suffering from a major tension head ache. the adventures and pain that come with motherhood. we are almost there I will be done no matter what tuesday march 1 thankfull. right now we are trying to stay relaxed, and calm, when I say we I mean me.
I think about the thoughts and feelings I had towards myself, life, and family and realize that I never thought I would have three beautiful children and that I could have enough love and care for each of them. I never thought I would get married, let alond get married to such a beautiful man. My life is full of things I never thought I would ever have, things I only dreamed about. I am so blessed, and dont have the full compassity of just how blessed I am.
life for the lenox family is great. aaron is still in school, and I am a home maker. we are this closs to getting a van yippy.
I think about the thoughts and feelings I had towards myself, life, and family and realize that I never thought I would have three beautiful children and that I could have enough love and care for each of them. I never thought I would get married, let alond get married to such a beautiful man. My life is full of things I never thought I would ever have, things I only dreamed about. I am so blessed, and dont have the full compassity of just how blessed I am.
life for the lenox family is great. aaron is still in school, and I am a home maker. we are this closs to getting a van yippy.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The kids and i are sick with head colds I am far worst than the rest. Aaron is the only one not sick, lucky. I love fall. I love the crisp air and the warm raise from the sun, and all the colors the leafs turn. I myself am like the seasons. there are periods where I am bright and warm and others when i am growing like a flower and then there's the sick season and then there is fall, letting go of yesterday and focusing on the growths i have for tomorrow. i love fall.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Eden is talking a lot and he's running and being a boy, he is messy.
Aliya is doing school now, she has memorized all the prophets, her ABC's, and she can count to 14, she can also write her name. She is loving school. She is so smart. Starting nest yr my baby will be in sunbeams, crazy I know, time flies when your having fun or when you dont have the time and energy to look at the clock.
I will be 20 wks in a few days, my altrasound is on friday. I cant believe we are having another child. we are all great.
sorry for the long wait. there is no time anymore.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Aliya was having a hard time with all the new baby furniture, so we went out and got her birthday present from us early. We have been saving all year to get her a present for her birthday. As soon as she saw it she seemed over whelmed, but now we can't keep her away from it. She gets her learning dog and baby dolls and sits them at her table in one of the chairs while she sits in the other. Aliya goes to her table when she wants to be left alone, its the funniest thing, when we go near her while she is at her table she starts to raise her voice and tells us to go out, and that its hers. Aliya is learning so quick its hard to keep up. We were going to wait to give her the table until We bring home baby, but decided not to, she was really starting to act out. Instead we gave her her table and bought her another little gift that she will get up at the hospital when she come to visit baby willy, the gift will be from the baby. She is so smart and bright. Aaron and i feel so blessed to have her in our lives, and home. Aliya is the light in our home, she is always doing something goofy, and when shes not being silly she is cuddling with us. We are so blessed to have her, and so will this baby.
We are moving right along with this pregnancy, we have 2 weeks and 5days until the due date. We are progressing very well. Aliya is starting to calm down a little bit, she doesn't seem so stressed out. We have made an effort to get a few things for Aliya as this new baby gets new things, so she doesn't feel so left out and its working. Aaron is almost done with finals thankfully. I am excited to have more of his time, and do things as a family. We got Aliya a table and chairs set she loves it, she does everything at her table. Well thats a rap.
Friday, June 5, 2009
The baby shower has come and gone. We had a very good turn out. Many people came and gave their support. It was a good social hour. The shower wouldn't have been as great with out the help of: Aaron (my hubby), My sister Camilla, Sister Erby and her Daughters, Becki Read, jessica poe, Adam, The missionaries, My Mom, and my sister Shaylee, last but not least all the women who helped eat the Delicious deserts. Thank you. To all those who weren't able to make it we missed you.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Life is a little scrambled and crazy for us at this moment. Aaron is studying for finnals this week, for next week. Aliya is having some minor difficulty dealing with all the changes right now. As for me........... I am ready to be done. Other than the stresses of school and finishing up on the small details of preparing for baby things are going very well. We are so excited to meet our son.
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