Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Aliya has leanred how to get into her highchair .

Thanks to Dori I was able to make home made cookie for my first time on christmas. They were really good. Thank you Dori, you are the best.

This is my sisters new puppy Lily. Aliya loves Lily.
My mom taking a nap with Lily at the end of christmas day

The funnest game.

This is her other favorite toy, that she got from papa and grandma brown. Aliya drags this thing everywhere.
My dad, and his bathrob.

Aaron loves his books.

Before he opened his books my dad put it into a cloths box and surounded it with dish cloths, Aaron and my dad got a kick out of it.

The process of opening one of my dads gifts

Aliya wanted to play with Grandmas foamies instead of opening presents and playing with her toys.
Aliya loves sour patch kids, I hid my bag so she went to uncle Ammon to share some of his, she marched right over there and sat right on his lap.

OOPS this is over at the Lenoxs not My parents.

This is the gift Grandpa and Grandma Lenox got for Aliya. She pushes it everywhere.

Cathy made up some good deserts and smack food. All of the Lenoxs were supose to all get together on Christmas Eve but everyone was snowed in so the only people who were able to make it was Tommy and Tera and of course their children (Aarons brother) and Aaron and I with Aliya, and later that evening Cathy's boys came.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Aliya is learning a ton and fast. Just the other day Aliya picked up a few new words, which are: I baby (when Aaron asks wheres the baby), kitty, and hot. The new signs she does are: hurt, signing time, yes, bath, bike, and no. She has two favorite things, her signing time video and her foam book. I try to hide her siging time video in the middle of all the movies, but I can't seem to get it past her, she knows which movie is her signing time. She has learned how to get her self up into her high chair just last night, amazing. She has cut another tooth right infront on the bottom.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Our christmas tree. We weren't going to get a christmas tree because we don't have the money to get a tree and the lights and the ornaments. Luckily our car got snowed in so Aarons dad had to pick him up to go to fred meyer to get some food items. Fred meyers had all there christmas trees against the side of the building and were giving them out for free, yay for us. so we managed to get some candy caines a lights that were on sale to decorate our tree.
Grandma Cathy Lenox

Dead men found alive:)

Aaron thought it to be a good idea to fall backwards on the ice? dont ask i think it is a guy thing.

Dont ask, PLEASE!

Lots of snow!!

Lots of snow!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Life for the Lenoxs has been crazy, all three of us have been sick for the last week. We are constantly going out side because we have been trying to stay stocked up with food so we are prepared just in case we get snowed in, by the way it has been snowing down here in Candy for over 7 hours, I love it, I would love it even more if I was feeling like myself :). Christmas is coming and is now just around the corner, what to do? we got our people done for the name draw, we did it yesterday, thankfully because now we are snowed in, SNOW STORM!! YAY!! My hubby gets to stay home to keep me warm with hugs and kisses and lots of cuddles.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

This little boy came out right after us, Aliya and this boy hit it off emidiately. In this picture Aliya walked up to this little boy and almost kissed him, the boy got scared and ran. aliya laughed.


The bags under my eyes are caused by mother hood, :). NO make-up.

Aliya waving at us. This is her first time in the snow. she loved it.

Aliya learned how to climb into her second draw from the bottom.

Friday, December 12, 2008

She is ready to start filming her excersize video. Yes I do things to my poor baby to get a laugh, it would only be crule if I did things such as this and did not laugh.

A butterfly amongs the trees. You are not seeing things, she has a pad on her back.

Aliya is one of the happiest baby's I know. She is just starting to understand when there is a camera in front of her face, her job is to smile, I think she has it down pretty good.

Mommy and Aliya time.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

My poor baby got her 15 month shots. Aliya is cranky and sore. Monday she gets her flu shot.