Friday, January 30, 2009

Things for the lenox family are good. We have all been fighting a cold, and Aaron is gone all day everyday with work, school, and studying. our family is buisy buisy buisy. Aliya is doing wonderful, she is starting to sa words, like : please, stop, thank you, no, and no more. Aliya signs more htan she talks, so she has picked up about 10 new signs that she is using everyday along with the other 20 she's already leanred, Aliya is a sweet spirit in our home, Aaron and I are so proud of her growth and purity. Well that about raps it up for the Lenox family.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Aliya and her sun glasses.

Aliya watching Horton hears a who, it is her favorite movie, she sits down and watches the intire movie.

Aliya played in my stickers, she loves stickers.

Aliya's first hair due. Her hair is afficially growing, YAY!!

The first thing she did when I took out the camera.

Friday, January 23, 2009

YUM!!! I'll take one of those.
Text Color

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

End result of a full day cooking tamales.

We made chicken tamales and cheese and jalapino tamales.

One bowl

Two bowl.
It took Mayra and I about 7 hours to make these tamales, we are very rpoud, and the tamales are very good.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Aaron puts Aliya in the dryer when while he loads the washer.

Look at dem eyes..

Singing happy birthday to Tom.
Tom's face when they were singing Happy Birthday.

Tom taking a picture of the Red Robin staff singing happy birthday.

Aliya at Red Robins. Toms birthday dinner.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I have been wanting tamallis for days now. I want them fresh so they are moist, so my friend is coming over to make some homemade, YAY. She mgiht come over tomorrow or sometime soon.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Aliyas hair is growing, YAY!!!
Aliya's watching Singing time.

Aliya got a new baby doll.

During the last two weekends my family and I have been sick. This past weekend was the most exciting. Aaron and I have finally expeienced the stomach virus with Aliya. The poor thing was throwing up every 10 minutes for 4 hours, it was heart breaking. Aliya is finally eating not much still but never the less she is eating, Aaron and I were getting a bit worried when Aliya was going on the third day and was not wanting to eat. My partner for visiting teaching Dori made a comment that she doesn't mind her children getting sich just as long as ther are not throwing up, I never understood that until friday when Aliya was sick, a cold is deffinantly cleaner to deal with.

Monday, January 5, 2009

It is amazing the love that grows in a mothers heart when baring children, it is also amazing the sacrafices mothers have to make when raising children. The stresses of being a mother is the most difficult to bear sometimes, I dont know if I am doing anything right. As a mother I find the most joy in watching my daughter grow and learn.
Right now at this moment Aliya keeps replaying the same song in her story leep frog book, and I have a head ache, but it makes it all worth it when I see her singing along with it.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Need I say more.

Huhhhhhhhh BEAUTIFUL!!

What a beautiful image. Aliya looks forward to her play time with her daddy.

The blanket makes his eyes more green, lol. This is Aaron playing with Aliya. He is going to kill me when he finds out I put this picture of his on our blog.

Aliya's first owee.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

The movie we watched on new years eve. It was a really funny movie.