Friday, February 20, 2009

Aliya had to walk up the slide.
we had a ton of fun.

Aliya walked up to this carseat and took the stuffed bunny that was in it, and then ran. The borther hurried over to her to get it back, what a good borther.

We were playing peekaboo

Aliya spazzed out on this thing.

They just clicked.

Aliya stayed stiff and straight as a board.

Mommy's new bath toys.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009


for the first time my whole family is sick together. You knwo what they say though "a family who is sick together, stays together" just kidding, I dont think theres a phrase as such.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Aaron and I went out to dinner with my parents, it was a ton of fun. Afterward my parents and sister watched her so Aaron and I could go to the movies to watch PUSH, the movie was alright. the evening was very injoyable.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Aliya never fails to amaze me. Recently my little Princess came up to me and huged me and kissed me, it is so beautiful the pure love she has, it is a love I envy to have myself. Aliya is talking a ton more, and is signing a ton also. I love that Aliya is able to learn sign language, I am able to communicate with her and meet her needs, its awsome. I think that about sums it all up.

Aliya is feeding Daby, my grampas dog.

Cake time.

Aliya decided that Grampa needed help opening his big present.

Random pictures of my princess.

Opening gifts.

Aliya loves her Grandma and Grampa.

Aliya is sitting on Aunty Shaylees lap for dinner.

Truffles made for my dad and my brothers birthday. Yum, I made orange, cherry, and almond.

Messy hair day.